Don’t let me quit!
Don’t let me quit!
- It is important for children to know that making mistakes is part of the journey.
- Embracing a “growth mindset” where children are allowed to learn from their mistakes, can have a positive effect on their tenacity and perception of intelligence.
- If children realise that they are allowed to make mistakes they might be more likely to stay in STEM fields that they enjoy, even when they make a few errors along the way.
[1] Ching, B. H.-H., Li, X. F., & Chen, T. T. (2023). Longitudinal links between parental failure mindsets, helicopter parenting, and fixed mindset of intelligence in adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence : A Multidisciplinary Research Publication, 52(10), 2196–2213.
[2] Rohmalimna, A., Yeau, O., & Sie, P. (2022). The role of parental parenting in the formation of the child’s self-concept. World Psychology, 1(2), 36-45.